Sunday, December 23, 2012

For Cripes Sake a Nightscape

Exploring the city of Keyport, NJ

Why? Cause I have nothing else to do.
This city got hit hard from Hurricane Sandy. Just driving along the road, you can see boats washed up on various parts of the land. There are still tons of unclaimed boats just laying around.



Saturday, December 22, 2012

Suicide Bridge

As I was driving over Victory Bridge today, I stopped at the top to take some photos. There was also a minivan pulled over on the shoulder with their hazards on. As I looked through the window and saw nobody inside, I assumed their car broke down and they walked off to go find help.

After taking this shot of the bridge from a lower perspective, I remembered that this bridge is notorious for suicide jumps, accounting for 22 suicide deaths or attempts since being built in 2004. Suicide hotlines numbers are posted all around this bridge.

 I went to drive back over the bridge, only to see a cop car next to the van. It got me wondering...if I were at the top of the bridge and encountered the person preparing to jump, would I have been able to help them and get them off the ledge? It boggles my mind that I could have been seconds away from crossing paths with that person at the top of the bridge.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Maxin' and relaxin'.

Upper level > lower level. The open view is worth driving in traffic with trucks.

 The "Full House" houses of NJ?

Oh George Washington you always make an appearance.

Time to get away from the North and start making my way down South. New adventures await.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mitsuwa Marketplace!

Right along the west side of the Hudson is the beautiful city of Edgewater. Perfect place to look out at the NY Skyline. Clear sky..bright sun..couldn't ask for better weather in December. 

Then it was off to Mitsuwa, a gem of Northern NJ where you get to have a taste of Japanese lifestyle. It's a great place to get your ramen and yaki fix. If you want anything Japanese, whether it's books, collectible toys, make-up...this is where you go.

I get commuters mutin'

Odds and Ends

Just piecing together random photos. 

The things you stumble upon...

I went on a hike to Washington Valley Park to go to this hawk watching spot. Apparently since it's December, hawks aren't out and about anymore. But down below from from the hawk spotting area, there was an awesome copper mining quarry dating back to the late 1800's, still up and running. It was a crazy sight to see.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Things are looking up

Welcome to Asbury Park, NJ

Asbury Park has always been a place I wanted to shoot. Turns out most of the boardwalk is closed due to repairs from Hurricane Sandy. Not only that, but I found out most of the boardwalks along the central area of NJ are closed and will most likely still be closed until summer of 2013. An area this rich in culture needs to be revisited again. I will be back...

Shepard Fairey lives. He stopped by Asbury Park last year and put up his work all around the area. This one is his painted mural that will most likely be there for years. Most of his other wheat pastings have already withered away. 

Playing catch up

So I've had my camera for a good 3 weeks now. I have some pictures saved that will slowly get uploaded. After I catch up, my posts will be more recent 

These two were from Thanksgiving weekend. My family and I took a trip to Atlantic City. My cousin and I went out to the boardwalk to see the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. This section of Atlantic City was pretty much unscathed.

 Caught a shot of people riding horses along the beach. Turned out to be a decent silhouette.

First post!

So I have no idea what I'm doing. I just wanted a place where I could share pictures I've taken of meaningless and random things. I may possibly blog here and there. Here goes nothing.

There's a reason this is my first picture I'm posting. There's a message board I go on where people who have recently bought new cameras or have bought a new lens, will go out and shoot a duck/bird/goose picture. Don't ask me why. But since I'm an owner of a new camera, new lens, and new blog, I should probably start it off right with a goose picture. Cheers.