Saturday, December 22, 2012

Suicide Bridge

As I was driving over Victory Bridge today, I stopped at the top to take some photos. There was also a minivan pulled over on the shoulder with their hazards on. As I looked through the window and saw nobody inside, I assumed their car broke down and they walked off to go find help.

After taking this shot of the bridge from a lower perspective, I remembered that this bridge is notorious for suicide jumps, accounting for 22 suicide deaths or attempts since being built in 2004. Suicide hotlines numbers are posted all around this bridge.

 I went to drive back over the bridge, only to see a cop car next to the van. It got me wondering...if I were at the top of the bridge and encountered the person preparing to jump, would I have been able to help them and get them off the ledge? It boggles my mind that I could have been seconds away from crossing paths with that person at the top of the bridge.

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