Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vanishing Points

Wandering around New Brunswick, NJ

New Brunswick, where everything is scarlet red everywhere. Great for a day trip to roam around. Go Rutgers! 

First stop, the Grease Trucks. The often imitated, but never duplicated. Of course I had to go with the Fat Darrell

 Payphones nowadays are obsolete. Who uses these anymore?! Most of these have been stripped down to nothing, leaving an empty shell. These need to be changed into something more appealing and beneficial. Something along the lines of this.

Of course I had to pass through NJII. RIP Sayreville location. Go support small business.

A corner store with the side painted advertising what they sell AND original faded Pepsi sign. Doesn't get much better than this.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Back to Basics

Right on Hester St. in Chinatown is a man who runs a shoe repair business. His retail workplace? A slot in the wall, measuring 2 ft wide by 8 ft deep. 
All he needs are his tools, a stool, and a lamp to light his way. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Streets of Chinatown

Roaming the streets of NYC Chinatown for some black and white friendly street shots. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chicken Dog Cafe

So on my drive, I spotted this small building with the name Chicken Dog. With a name like this, I had to go in. I walked in and was immediately greeted by friendly staff. I was given a menu at the counter and went with the breakfast sandwich ham, egg, and cheese. This place also serves ice cream, deli meats, and bread/milk for your grocery needs. 

When asked if I wanted to eat here or takeout, I hesitated. Standing behind me in the corner was a small seating area for roughly 20 people, furnished with pictures of a shore-esque theme, a fireplace, and a small 13 inch TV playing old cowboy shows. The worker asked me my age, and after commenting on how young I was, he demanded I sit down, watch Roy Rogers, and learn something.

Without making this sound too much like a Yelp review, the food was delicious, they had great portions, and it was cheap! What won me over were the friendly staff and hospitality.  I will definitely make my way back here again for some ice cream.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Exploring New Hope and Lambertville

Welcome to New Hope / Lambertville. I don't know much about this area except it's along the Delaware River, the D&R Canal trail runs through here, and they shoot off fireworks every Friday night. I went too early for anything to be really open. But if you like expensive restaurants and art galleries, this is the place to go.

The New Hope Railroad is a train ride and a show all in one. Just think of if as those kiddie train rides at the mall x1000.