Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chicken Dog Cafe

So on my drive, I spotted this small building with the name Chicken Dog. With a name like this, I had to go in. I walked in and was immediately greeted by friendly staff. I was given a menu at the counter and went with the breakfast sandwich ham, egg, and cheese. This place also serves ice cream, deli meats, and bread/milk for your grocery needs. 

When asked if I wanted to eat here or takeout, I hesitated. Standing behind me in the corner was a small seating area for roughly 20 people, furnished with pictures of a shore-esque theme, a fireplace, and a small 13 inch TV playing old cowboy shows. The worker asked me my age, and after commenting on how young I was, he demanded I sit down, watch Roy Rogers, and learn something.

Without making this sound too much like a Yelp review, the food was delicious, they had great portions, and it was cheap! What won me over were the friendly staff and hospitality.  I will definitely make my way back here again for some ice cream.

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